What makes a person a good angler? Is it numbers of fish caught? Or is it being able to cach multiple species? Or being able to consistantly get hook up in different water conditions and in different rivers. I had this discussion with a guy at work the other night. He seemed to think that numbers of fish caught made someone good. For example we both know a guy that lands about 100 steelhead a year. This guy fishes almost everday during the summer. He only fishe 3 diffrent spots on the river. Is the guy good? I think not.
I think a good angler is someone that fishes a lot of different rivers and consistantly gets hook ups in different water conditions.
I fish different rivers for different species. I can usually muster up a fish or 2 per trip. Some days I do real well with multiple hook ups. I dont catch the numbers of fish that some guys do, But I dont fish as much as they do either.
So what do you guys think?