Seems like WDFW is willing to sacrifice all early winter steelhead runs to maintain a comercial fishery.

They seem to only acknoledge that washington state river systems had large runs of late winter/spring steelhead and very few early fish. I think they are trying to wipe out the early fish and erase their existance to ensure certian groups can maintain current hatchery steelhead comercial harvest.

fish them to extinction then claim they were never there or the genetics are to far mixed with hatchery fish to save.

I can see the writeing on the wall!

Seems to me the early run should have as much or more protection than the late run. There are much less of them left. But thats when the netts are in the most. When is the state/tribes going to grow some nuggets and save the last remaining healthy stocks we have. I can only hope its sooner than later.