First off, to RT: litter has two "t's". laugh

I have been vocal in the past about the trash on the rivers and lakes and the garbage that they leave behind. You can really only do so much to educate the terminally ignorant, so your only chances are in two places:

  • educate their children in schools, clubs, and events so that they know to not continue the ways of their parent, and
  • unfortunately, go into your fishing areas with a trash bag and clean up after them. No, we shouldn't have to do it but if we want access to these areas in the future we need to do it.

Sure, go ahead and charge an access fee for a daily or seasonal pass on those lands. Ultimately the money would go to improving the areas and not into the profit pockets of the timber industry.

Taking care of our natural fishing resources is a huge responsibility for all of us, and it is up to us whether we want to take on this challenge.
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