Originally posted by Mike K:
Take the steelhead out of the trap after they return to the trap, and keep the friggin nets out of the rivers. Nets are unselective and a grossly irresponsible way of fishing.

A pretty interesting point, to say the least. Why DON'T the indians just take the fish out of the trap at the hatchery? Why must they insist on using a method as destructive and as outdated as netting when the4y could just as effectively harvest fish by waiting until they get into the hatchery trap and then harvesting them? Is this something that the great tribal leaders of this state have somehow overlooked? Do you guys think that maybe Mike K has stumbled on to something that is going to change the face of tribal fishing as we know it? Maybe the truth is something more along the lines of that the indians are and always have been well aware of the fact that there are alternatives to throwing nets in our rivers.... But, they have treaty rights, and what better way to "Rub our noses in it" than to net just because they can. Any clarification on thi would be great. Nativepride? Keta? Salmonbelly? Potter? maybe you guys could give us a reason why waiting until the fish have been trapped wouldn't be feasible. Is there a legitamite reason, or is this just the tribal way of paying us back for smallpox?
If you get home and I'm not there, don't eat it.