We used to get sockeye out in the salt with the same bare-hook setup that is used in the lake but.....be prepared to kill about 50 smolts and sub-legal blackmouth per adult sockeye as the little ones just can't seem to resist the bare hook in the salt. This was about 10 years ago when I still had a saltwater boat and I was fishing with a Shilshole regular. I would strongly advise against using the bare hook rig because of the increased smolt mortality. I cannot divulge the other lure we used to use for saltwater sockeye as my friends would shoot me but.........I will say that it's a commercial sockeye rig that we stumbled upon and used successfully after finding huge schools of fish stacked up outside of Shilshole that wouldn't bite on conventional saltwater salmon gear.We soon discovered that they were sockeye and put the hurt on 'em. Parker, you know what the secret lure is, as it's the bait that's named after you wink I'll just leave y'all with that subtle hint. Peace


[ 06-21-2001: Message edited by: Kid Sauk ]
Got Mingo?

My name is Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddd.....