I belong to the Sky Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited and we hosted Todd Ripley and Duggan of WSC as guest speakers at our last meeting. I think that those in attendance enjoyed the presentation and that our chapter is pretty well aligned with WSC's beliefs. Many of the people on this board may be members of other clubs (T.U., PSA etc.) which may be why they haven't joined WSC. Those of us actively involved in a club already spend a lot of money on chapter activities and on the many fundraising
events. Many may already be stretched to the limit financially and time-wise.
The only negative I have heard from sports anglers about WSC so far is that there is a perception that WSC is anti-hatchery. The message I got is that they are for hatchery-reform... but the "rumblings" are that there are some very strong anti-hatchery members within WSC..that is the scuttlebutt I hear, right or wrong.
