I agree with Dogfish, I also have been up to Sekiu the past two out of three weekends, though I haven't found the nice kings he has... just lots of silvers, got to pick through the unclipped ones (notice I don't say hatchery, I think there are a lot of unclipped ones that are hatchery) to get your clipped ones, seems like it's about 4 to 1 unclipped to clipped, but I agree, I started out there on the 5th of July, and they are all getting bigger now. I hope the weather holds up for Saturday.

Just one question, Dogfish, if you live in McCleary, what the heck are you doing driving all the way up here to fish?


[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: StorminN ]
Allright all you saltwater anglers, check out www.salmonuniversity.com