Sorry Kid, but it's tough to Stir the Port when it's a bunch of gillnetters talking. What did you honestly expect from a bunch of gillnetters? Fish scientists, they ain't!

If "Dr. Parker" had his way, he'd cookup the Great White Chunook. A cross between a White Shark, Chinook, and Chum.

It would be big, aggressive, mean, massive teeth, has a really bad attitutde, and a taste for human flesh!

"Fish on! Oh crap! Run! Swim! Shoot it! Ahhhhh!"

Heh. I'm pretty sure The Kid, Bob, and I witnessed a Kasilof Chunook. I swear, it attacked Dean's drift boat! This fish had tasted human blood and wanted more!

Parker - "I'm not a real scientist, but I play one on Piscatorial Pursuits!"
Tule King Paker