Guys and Gals,

I've noticed something over the days since the terrorist attack while watching TV and browsing the Web. All over the TV there are stories of unnamed heroes; firefighters, hijacked passengers, police officers, rescue volunteers, doctors. These people are busting their humps to help people, in some cases it's cost them their lives. These people are the definition of an American. They are what we should aspire to be.

On the internet, I've found the opposite. Here on PP, on other fishing BB's, and on the football BB's I read, I keep reading people cursing each other and ridiculing each other for having opposing opinions about what our next step should be. Should we nuke the Middle East? Should the NCAA, NFL, and MLB games be played this weekend? This is what people are fighting about.

We need to pull together, not start to bicker amongst ourselves. We're all wound a little tight right now, how could you not be? These ba$tards just killed thousands of our fellow Americans. This isn't the time to fight with our fellow Americans who weren't killed. It's time to pull together and act like Americans should.

Show your family, your neighbors, your American brothers, that you care. Don't put off telling them what you might not get the chance to tell them tomorrow. Buy some stock on Monday and keep the US economy strong. Support our President as he begins the journey toward justice for the victims. Buy a flag and raise it proudly. Know what that flag stands for. Do NOT take your aggressions out on somebody because they "look like a hijacker". Wave at a soldier tomorrow on the way to work, I'll bet he or she waves back. Vote in the next election for the candidate of YOUR choice. Say a prayer in your house of worship. Tell somebody your opinion, THEN listen to theirs.

We live in the greatest country on Earth, folks. It's not a perfect country, nor are we perfect people. But, we're Americans and WE WILL PREVAIL. Let's pull together, get along, get our country back on her feet, and show these terrorist organizations that neither they nor anybody else will drag America down.

The United States of America. I LOVE this country. smile
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell.
I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.

Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames