
I can't thank you enough for creating this site. You have given all of us on this board a chance to communicate with each other. Most importantly, you have rejoined the power of fishermen to make their opinions and thoughts more public so that everyone can get a better ideal about different fishing methods, techniques, and yes, political issues that will better improve our declining fisheries.

I know that the fish managers read this sight offend to see what the public is thinking about many fish related issues. They are not as dumb (well not completely) as we think they are when it comes to the power of public opinion! Good informative postings will continue to make your site number-one in the fisherman's eyes. You have allowed us to debate issues when other sites would not. You have allowed us to clean up our own internal battles when there has been minor disagreement among the board members. You have done a tremendous job in setting good common sense ground rules for posting on your board.

Fishermen have a lot to thank you for Bob, and I want you to know how much I have enjoyed posting and reading topics on this board. Thanks again Bob for the chance that you have given to us to post our opinions and knowledge on this site.


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook???? laugh

[ 11-24-2001: Message edited by: cowlitzfisherman ]

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????