Thanks for your detailed reply Mike, on the position of the RFA.

Quote" Prohibiting the retention of fish by individual anglers that may be caught and sold by commercial interests is simply unsupportable"

This points out the biggest problem with the whole process of setting fishing regulations, and that is, they usually only apply to the largest user group namely, sports fishers who without a doubt return the greatest economic factor to the states from this resource.
If all wild/native steelhead are to be protected then they really should be given protected status from ALL resource user groups, including commercial and treaty harvest.

However, having said that, I'm reminded of something my mom always used to say to me, "If you know something is wrong, even if..everyone.. else is doing it, are you still going to do it too?" This was usually followed by the old "jumping off the bridge" question.

Speaking for myself only, I don't ever intend to keep a Steelhead with an adipose fin. My hope would be that as the largest user group, sports fishers, would set the desired example, and then from there, work on those who still consider a protected, never to be replaced resource as theirs for the taking.

But then that's just me. cool
PS; Thanks Mom!