For those who don't know about them, more information can be found here . Basically for $400 a year you can have access to "members only" waters that they have leased from the property owners. They have some prime stretches of water available for their members only.

I was talking to my uncle last night about how a stretch of Eagle Creek that he used to love to fish was now OFC members only. The owner of the property used to let anglers in as long as they kept it clean, but that was no more. He (my uncle) was furious that one of the best stretches of the stream was now unavailable to him.

Oregon Fishing Club does require that their members clean up after themselves, as the club takes responsibility for the cleanliness of the banks. Their leases tend to be long ones (4 to 7 years) and from what I understand after talking to a representative non-members are not allowed to fish the property.

So, here's the debate. Is Oregon Fishing Club a good thing or not? $400 is a lot of money, but for the money you get prime stream access. There's often discussions about the legality of fishing within the high water mark, so can they legally keep non-members from fishing there?

If you cannot debate without personal attacks, then please move along.

Edit: Dave, please allow me to edit into your topic title so as to show all it now encompases. Thanks. - RT

[ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: RT ]
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