This one is less of a funny and more of a groan-inducer that happened to my dad this past spring.

He was out with a friend on the Willamette angling for springers and already had one in the boat. His buddy had to go to work, so Dad cruised him back to the dock. When they got there one of the fish checkers asked Dad how they had done and after finding out that they had indeed caught one asked to to the normal fish inspection (weigh, measure, etc). Dad refused, saying that he wasn't done fishing and that they could check the fish when he was done fishing. The checker insisted, so Dad relented.

While the fish-checker was standing on the dock and Dad was still in the boat, the checker held the burlap bag open for Dad to slide the fish in. As the fish entered the bag it encountered either a weakness in the bags fabric or an outright hole, causing the fish to slide right through the bag and between the boat and the dock. The air bladder must have been empty, as that 20+lb nookie headed for the murky depths of the river in record time.

From what I understand of the events after that had happened two faces went very pale as they lost sight of that silvery streak of salmon.
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