Hey Coot,

I just realized how deadly 'blades were last year. I prefer the Gibbs/Nortac Colorado's in the hammered Gold finish...absoulutely deadly in back eddies fished under a float. I tie my own as well, but until I can get bulk gold plated blades I'll continue to use the over priced store boughts.

On a side note, I always replace the hook that comes with the blade, usually it's dull. Slap a 2/0 owner on there and its game over. The fish just hammer the blades, and they fight pissed off!

I find that there is no exact way to fish a blade...the important thing is to match the size(and style) of the blade to the current/depth of the water. I've hit fish dragging bottom, dead drift, and when the blades are really buzzin'.