Help set example by not drinking on the water.
I'm a purest, the fishing is more enjoyable when
one is sober. Altered state is not necesary while
fishing. I like the natural buzz I get with friends and the environment. Alcohol is a powerful addictive thing. A lot of people can't
get by without it. I am tired of witnessing the
stupidity of intoxication while in a puplic space
like the fishing hole. Bill W thank you for being
there for those that would like to experience life
without the crutch called alcohol. Snagging and
public drinking can be equaly anoying. Both are
not good on the eyes and are very shady at best.
Keep the cans at home away from the serenity of
the beautiful streams we love to experience. Not
trying to flame just trying to get consideration.
There are all sorts of places to go drink other
than with fisherman who fish to be away from it.


Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein