Commercial sale of Steelhead?

I just went to our company cafeteria, and they are offering grilled Steelhead today on the menu! I hate to see steelhead sold commercially, since all of us know that some of those fish are nates!

There are two problems I have with selling steelhead commercially. Number one is that there is no guarantee that the fish are hatchery or farm raised. We all know that there is little or no actual enforcement of the fishing regs when it comes to tribal netting, and the tribes are allowed to target native steelhead. I just can not stand the thought that native steelhead are ending up on someone’s dinner table! Number two is that I believe selling steelhead in the grocery store gives the public the wrong impression regarding the health of the fishery. If Joe Average sees it for sale, then he most likely assumes that there are enough fish to go around, and he does not understand the complex issues involved in bringing that fish to market. Since the state can not find the money to keep the hatcheries open, then how is it fair that hatchery steelhead end up for sale? It probable costs the tax payer more to put that fish into the store (cost of raising, etc...) than it actually costs the consumer to buy the fish.

What do you all think in general about selling steelhead in restaurants and at the grocery store?

Well, I'll get off my soap box now! smile Thanks for listening to me rant!
