Smallmouth are the best of the warmwater fish in this state (now I need to try a tiger muskie though...), but give me a break - don't even put a bass on the same thread as a metal head!! (:

I'm most impressed with Chum. Nothing pretty or gracefull about them, but they are tough as nails. I had several get so pi$$ed that they'd peel out my fly line heading one way, next thing I know a monster fish leaps out the water the 200 ft away in the opposite direction. Then I realize that it is the same fish - my line just hasn't caught up yet!! And they'll do this several times. I've also seen some wimpy chums and a few that think they are just big logs and you need a pry bar to bugde them.

Any of you ever hooked one of the upper Elwha bows on light gear? You'll never look at stocker trout the same... Heck, even the little cutties I find on the forks of the snoqualmie jump half a dozen times.

Really i'm not too picky - a chrome fish dancing on the end of my line is all I need!!
