No, I have seen my share of seal bit fish! These fish have the typical net marks that rap around the body and some fin damage. One fish had both sides of its gill plate torn and bleeding and the other two had deep cuts located just behind the pectoral fins. It may be possible, that a small net mess is causing the deep cut marks. Do the tribes have to use the same size nets as the commercial does? If so, who makes them adbide by any rule since they are not subject to white man rules or laws on their lands, or are they? confused

Since the Cowlitz has not been legally netted by any of the tribes, I have not really brought myself up to speed on this issue. What are their rules (if any), and who makes and enforces them? confused


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????