I was driving up the upper Hoh road last Saturday with this song just pounding through the speakers in my rig. The song Is by an outstanding, obscure Swedish hard rock/heavy metal band called Spiritual Beggars. I found myself singing alternative lyrics to the song in my head on one of the most glorious (and if you've read my other posts, scary)Hoh river mornings of all time, for some reason I feel compelled to post them. Actually if I could just introduce this band to one person who thinks they are as awesome as I do (well, one more person wink )it will be worth all the tomatoes in the world about to be thrown my way...if you'd like me to Email or IM the actual song to you I'd be happy to, I only changed a few key words...

Never see the sun above
I dig in the oars
Sunshine washes the gray away
It kissed my brain
Mountains make me lose my breath
I feel alive
Now I feel humility
and at peace in the mind
Now the lungs of the universe
Are the lungs of my soul
I can feel it
I can sense it
Hallelujah Fish the Hoh
Monday morning you enter hell
Not me I'm not a fool, I work like a wh***
Haven't fished the Hoh
Monday morning I open an eye
and lay back in bed
arms so heavy I can't get up
Friday will come
Now the lungs of the universe
Are the lungs of my soul
I can feel it
I can sense it
Hallelujah Fish the Hoh
Hallelujah Fish the Hoh!!
"Christmas is an American holiday." - micropterus101