I fished with debarbed, single hooked kwickies this past year on the Chehalis and the Wynoochie (oops, let out some zipperlips there...!). We hooked somewhere around 50 fish on kwickies, and 15 on wiggle warts, all with debarbed, Gamakatsu siwash singles. We lost no, zero, zip, zilch fish that we got a good initial hookset in. If the fish was on for more than three seconds, he was in the net.

At least with the G hooks, if you crimp the barb, it usually breaks off, which leaves this little tiny hint of a barb left, which both keeps the fish on, as well as making it easy to release the fish if desired.

I use singles on most of my bigger kwickies now.

Also, for the record, we hooked up almost all of our strikes, too. If you let the fish take the rod all the way down, it was pretty much a hooked fish. I had some buddies that I couldn't convince to keep their hands off the rods, and we lost some that way, but usually it was tip down, fish on, with the singles. I wish Luhr Jenson would just sell them with singles, I now believe trebles are unnecessary.