No biggie Gooose. wink You's be a down and happenin dood, far as we's concerned brah. Hey, "Gooose Down"! Good name idea for a regular scheduled chat session or fishing info column, ay?

Oh ya, I forgot in that last post to mention that not only the big WA & OR newspapers add fishing pressure to some areas, but so do some mags. I seldom see any true zipper river info in STS anymore. But they have over 100,000 subscriptions and 10's of thousands sold on magzine racks all over the NW. I don't know how many F&H News mags are sold or how many NW Fishing News mags are sold. But if you really want to do something about thwarting sensative zipper river info, write letters to the big newspapers and mags. There just isn't a high percentage of fishermen that are tuning into these BBs to get any panties in a bunch over.