I go to different spots at grayland. There is no one particular "hotspot". I do concentrate on minor depressions in the beach.

As for rigging, I use my 9 1/2 ft steelhead spinning rod which was built from an 8 wt fly rod blank. Since saltwater is hard on reels, I went to walmart and baught a cheap $13.00 spinningreel to which I put 8 lb. maxima. At the end of my mainline I attach a 1-2 oz cannonball sinker; depending on current. Back up the line (above the sinker) about a foot apart, I attach 2 one foot leaders of 12lb. maxima with #4 gammies using the egg loop knot. I then attach shrimp tails just like I was steelhead fishing.

I've seen some guys go more elaborate with fancy wire hooks and bigger, longer rods with more weight but I don't think it's really necessary. I like to keep it simple.

Hope that helps.