Is the increased scrutiny by the state worth it Chip? What will they do if you report it?

A. Note it.
B. Act on it.
C. Revisit the season regs for next year and close it altogether instead of CNR.
D. Some of the above.
E. None of the above.

I think that the state is not acknowledging that this kind of abuse is happening when they set the CNR season, but they surely know it's going to happen.

Going back a year or so ago, there was discussion here on PP about targeting the Kings vs CNR'ing the coho. When fishing the CNR area, you MAY NOT target the species that is closed. How can that be achieved? IMO, either close it, or put some gear restrictions in place to keep the lure in the upper zone where the coho are. It won't prevent abuse, but maybe it would help to keep the incidental King hookups to a smaller percentage. Maybe ban herring during the CNR season and only allow trolling with hardware. Again maybe...but as far as the answer to your question...

Sounds like the guy is making a habit of bonking these Kings...bad news. I think I might file a report Chip.