Points To Ponder:

The Titanic was unsinkable...
What a true quote. However, the owner led the world to believe this, not the builder

There's always the Edmond Fitzgerald...

No hard feelings here... I am sure there are varying degress of boating skills on the BB and admire your confidence however, it only takes one AH [Bleeeeep!]. My point is, why put yourself in harm's way if you don't have to. Personally, I am not going to drive 180 miles to fish those conditions or even if there is a chance of it.

At my current profession, in my younger days, I used to meet folks the hard way. Either jumping from a helo or off a boat to fish them out. When things settled down, we would query them in detail. Their answer the first question always started with two words, "I thought..."

Again, no hard feelings. Keep it safe- I hate cold water! Plus, the world doesn't need another movie about incidents at sea!

"If you are not scratchin bottom, you ain't fishing deep enough!" -DR

Puget Sound Anglers, Gig Harbor Chapter