AK and others....
I am a retired 3rd grade teacher and very proud of the skills my former students learned. However,
there is a method where the kids learn to spell by sound and it is acceptable in rough drafts.
Never would be my choice.
The OTHER problem is the use of computer creations....reports, compositions..etc.
Everytime you have a spelling error, ding, ding, and you have the correct spelling. You don't have to correct it on your own.
Of course, I am really warped by my 4th grade experience. My teacher used to have a drawing on the black board. If we made a verbal gramatical error, we had to go to jail. laugh
We got out of jail when someone heard us use our previous mistake correctly. We loved that.
My husband posts on several forums and has
become a top notch speller. He won't put up
anything that isn't spelled correctly...
Our well-used paperback dictionary is right along side the computer and I hope that some posters (kids and all) would preview their posts to see how they might sound and look. smile
Try this one on when you are listening to a newsbroadcast.....
"Are" asks a question.....Are you going?
"Our" shows possession...Our lunch..our book. etc.
This is probably used more incorrectly on day to day broadcasts and it is annoying.
Well, so much for my lesson. And perhaps
we can overlook that weakness in someone's posts. cool