What will the fish do?

Spent last weekend on the lower Hoh trying in vain to get coho to bite. In the lowest three holes on the river there were, in my estimation, at least a thousand fish trapped by low water. In the cliff hole I watched three seals chasing fish that ran the gamut from boot to chromer around the hole. Hundreds of them. Maybe thousands...

The questions that I can't help but ask are...If conditions continue to remain as they are through say late November, will the fish just die in the lower stretches of river? Will they eventually try to muscle their way through the three inch riffles? Will they try to spawn in the lower river? Will one good rain raise the levels enough to allow healthy fish passage or may it already be too late?

Just hoping to get some opinions from people who have may have witnessed a similar (but certainly not as drastic) low water/drought scenario...
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