"People are less inclined to opt for military service if they believe the administration is not using the military for the highest priority of national defense."

Talk about a leap in logic. It's the people not joining for the slackers lifestyle and college education bennies. The guys like GH that were option limited out of HS. With the economy adding all those jobs a Burger King they can be safe flipping burgers and smoking rope rather that really having to do something. I think that people that really believe in this country what it stands for are still signing up like they did before. You America haters "which btw usually work for the govt. or a govt. contractor" want to always beleive the worst about the president. The right haters had the same excuse when clinton was president. Except then I think the slackers signed upo in droves and the real mene did something else.
Liberalism is a mental illness!