Just don't piss that Iranian off. Those folks have been fighting each other for centuries. In the Koran from what I believe, states: "Live and fight by the sword, die by the sword". If a leader is passive, he worries about what is wrong in his own country. If he is aggressive, he will think the other country has problems and it's time to take care of them.
True we live a society that has alot of bad stuff going on, other countries do to. We just don't get our hand chopped off when we are caught. This article is an open letter to us, U.S. newscasts don't want us to read this. One of our major syndicates is owned by G.E. G.E. owns major contracts for military equipment. They will not broadcast anything that may jeopordize current or future contracts (documentary: Nation under seige). Some of those weapons used in Iraq by us ( a non nuclear country except for last line of defense) had dirty Uranium in them. Now all the bombed out Iraqi tanks glowing out there are causing all sorts of radiation sickness to families and their newborn. (Documentary: Beyond Treason) It is sad that we are headed into a socialistic country with our rights to the constitution fading away (Homeland security). Big brother is now recording every email, every phone call, and storing it indefinately. Be careful what you write. I personally know a Muslim family, they are native from Central America, and my friend is one of the best Steelhead fisherman I have seen. My friend and his family are not the terrorist type, their kids have graduated in medicine from UW, they are just like us. it's the radicals that are destroying the Muslim image. It's just another religion, about a God, about writings that help teach moral values. I am Catholic, and I have enjoyed the good thoughts of those who wrote it. BUT, I am saddened that boso's in medival times in England used that religion to condemn and put to death others who did not fit in (non-christians). All said and done, we should be taking care of ourselves, families, neighbors, and our country before meddling with someone else's.
Happiness would be retiring from my job, to run a bait and tackle shop on a bay somewhere, greeting eager fishermen at 4am as they arrive, and of the stories that will told at the end of the day.