
For tuna:

Go west young man.
(After that go west some more.)

Seriously though, sailboats generally do much better fishing the pelagic species in more open waters where controlling speed, depth and direction are not as critical and covering water is king. How to effectively fish in our area with a sailboat is really a great question and it is frankly a difficult one to answer too. I am constantly asked by my keeled friends how they can do better out of their tubs. Alot of it comes down to the individual boat as each handles and sets up differently. Just spending the time and being persistent will go a long way towards success though. Try jigging in productive areas where you can safely drift. Trolling for silvers out of a sailboat is very effective when they're in. And pinks are heading in this year too. Messing with a downrigger on a sailboat though with everything else going on just isn't a whole lot of fun. And neither is competing with the more nimble boats at the usual salmon hot spots. Nice thing is though sailboats can get you far from the maddening crowd where fishing can be just as good and even more enjoyable.

Good luck mate.
Matt. 8:27   The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”