A repost from the WSC Website, your help is needed-

Oppose dismantling of Washington's Hydraulics Code (ESSB 5375)
Washington Rep Mike Cooper's committee will hear the bad-news hydraulics bill (ESSB 5375) this Thursday. The Wild Steelhead Coalition, along with 21 other fish and wildlife conservation groups, have sent a letter detailing what we see as major NEW problems for the fish and wildlife of this state if this bill is passed. In short, this bill aims to dismantle the existing hydraulics code program or weaken its ability to protect Washington's fisheries resources. Proponents of the bill are pushing this as a necessary deregulation package for streamlining permitting processes. Unfortunately, we see this bill as going way too far in favor of deregulation at the expense of fish habitat protection.
If you have time, please make a quick call to Rep Cooper asking him not to pass ESSB 5375 out of committee.

Representative Cooper's number is (360) 786-7950, chair of the House Fisheries, Ecology, and Parks Committee.

Nate Mantua
VP of Science and Education
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