The all-media campaign is fueled by $50 million in federal funds that Gov. Frank Murkowski- Republican, plunked down on the table last week to help revitalize the ailing industry. The ad campaign will be ready sometime this summer, according to Ray Riutta, director of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, which will champion the promotion.

"We are delighted that the governor has seen fit to put significant resources behind this effort," he said, also crediting the Alaska Legislature and the Salmon Industry Task Force for throwing support behind the salmon industry.

Riutta said ASMI will work closely with a national advertising agency to get out core messages, notably the differences between wild and farmed salmon, and the fact that Alaska salmon comes from pure, pristine waters and is all natural. He added: "We'll continue the theme that these fish are brought to you by fishing families that have been doing it for generations. And we'll certainly promote the healthy aspects, like it being so high in Omega-3s. The basic line is to get people to ask for Alaska salmon."
No huevos no pollo.