Here is anote from the Hunters Heritage President
Dear HHC Members and Friends,

We aren't energizing our members, we aren't getting anywhere near the response we need to pass this bill. If we can't get our memberships to call/fax/email Governor Locke with the message to PLEASE SIGN SSB 5179 we are going to lose. It's as simple as that.

There aren't more animal rights activists than sportsmen in Washington, there are simply more of them that want to end trapping and hunting than there are sportsmen that want to save it. Right now, as evidenced by communications to the Governor, they out number us 30 to 1.

We must start calling our members one at a time and ask them make the call to the Governors office. We have to let them know that without them we are going to lose this opportunity.

Please see the message at the end of this of the email. If you have not already done so, please forward to your membership ASAP!


Jamey Layman
HHC President