WDFW. . .what a Hypocrisy!

Sometimes I have been accused of "being down" on the WDFW and maybe that may be true! But one can only stand so much hypocrisy before they burst!

I just downloaded the new 2003 WDFW fishery regulations and I was reading what was stated on page 7. It said:

AUGUST 30 2003
On this day anglers are encouraged to release their catches
Experience the thrill of sport fishing while voluntarily preserving our fish"

You noticed it said "their catches" and did not say release "wild fish"! Now wouldn't it be just grand if the WDFW would walk the talk and ask the gill netters to voluntarily preserve and release "our" fish on a similar "peck day" of their "gill net fishery"? Why is it always the "sport fishermen" that the WDFW is asking to "preserve" when it is the gill netters who take and damage the most?

As usual, we are being asked to preserve, while the commercial boys are being encouraged to take! And you wonder why we have listed species! mad mad

Hypocrisy. . . at it's best!!!


Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????