Originally posted by DUROBOAT15:
Maybe your right rolleyes Maybe we should make the treatys null and void and take away the rights and reservations. But in that case I guess that all the real estate that we got from the tribes would go back to them. Maybe they would let us fish on the there land. Maybe they would stick us on the reservations (boy it gonna be crowded). Or they could just charge us rent on there land.
If you do indeed have a native american son thats really a shame nobody with you mind set shoud be raising children.
And I understand why you wouldnt want to look at the site I suggested that would only screw up your opinions with a bunch of FACTS and that may overload your narrow mind.
Oh you say you ex-wifes tribe got 11,000,000 for 6500 menbers. If you do the math that comes up to 1692.30 per member. Hardly a windfall if you ask me.
Than you say you were taxed 11,000 income tax. I paid 21,000 income 4000 property so do I win?
That statement abouit my son and my ability to raise him crosses the line. Good ass whooping material there..... I do not attack you personally when it comes to your family...

My beef, for those with such simple minds that they have to have it s p e l l e d out for them is this, and only this...... I do not think that anyone deserves more "rights" than others simply because of their race. Now all you do-gooders out there have been preaching this since the 60's, and rightfully so. You have just failed to include ALL races in this, and caucasions for those of you that do not understand, is a race....... I say we all need to be on an even keel when it comes to life period.
How about the other thread about 1.1 million going to a tribe of 250-300 (which is it? shouldnt they know?) and a reservation that is only 100 acres...... 100 ACRES??? They already have 4 fulltime officers, and the Feds give them a grant of 1.1 million for an additional 4 plus boats??? That really makes sense doesnt it, especially with the red ink and cutbacks already in law enforcement throughout washington state..... But you just go on believing what you do. I never thought I would change anybodys mind anyway. I just speak what I feel on the subject that is presented. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself for the statement about my fathering of my son. I teach him that no one is better than anyone else, and that he has to earn his place in society... He is not granted it at birth. Hopefully, he will not be like a majority of kids today that think the world is owed to them on a silver platter and that work is simply for parents to do so they can buy toys for their kids.
Aunty, where is your comment about the statement he made (very derrogatory) about me? I guess if I was Indian, then you would be there to defend me?


"Equal Rights" are not "Special Rights"........