"I remember doing one 10 page essay in school. 90% of the tive we got our papers back before the end of the day. So that blows that whole theory you had completely out of the water. "

Only if you think that one 10 page paper is the ONLY time your teacher had to work past the 8hrs./day he/she was paid for.

I notice Marysville (school district) posts the top 20 teacher's salaries on their official site. It's impressive...I wish I made that much. On the surface it's sort of flies in the face of the teacher's complaints. I WOULD like to see what the bottom 20 are paid, though. Why don't they post that as well?

cfm, you play the baffle 'em with bullsh!t card well. Cut and paste, indeed.

If you could do me a favor and try and support your individual complaints, points, assertions, whatever you'd like to call them, individually, with your sources, it would help a lot. You never know, I might even agree with you on the grounds of your argument.

The old "here's my proof, it's up to you do dig through it and see which paragraph of the code supports each of my 50 anecdotal claims" just doesn't work well for someone with a busy life.

Thanks, I know you'll be supportive. wink