
It looks like I am not the "only guy" with a big banana in his pocket! laugh laugh

If you think that one was bad, what special interest or lobby would you supposed pushed this one into law?

RCW 77.50.040
Commercial net fishing for salmon in tributaries of Columbia river -- Boundaries defined.
(1) The commission shall adopt rules defining geographical boundaries of the following Columbia river tributaries and sloughs:
(a) Washougal river;
(b) Camas slough;
(c) Lewis river;
(d) Kalama river;
(e) Cowlitz river;
(f) Elokomin river;
(g) Elokomin sloughs;
(h) Skamokawa sloughs;
(i) Grays river;
(j) Deep river;
(k) Grays bay.

(2) The commission may authorize commercial net fishing for salmon in the tributaries and sloughs from September 1st to November 30th only, if the time, areas, and level of effort are regulated in order to maximize the recreational fishing opportunity while minimizing excess returns of fish to hatcheries. The commission shall not authorize commercial net fishing if a significant catch of steelhead would occur.

When will sport fishermen ever learn????????

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????