NO one would like to see real equality more than I would. I wonder what the world would be like if we didn't have all the programs, laws and treaties trying to engineer humanity. Probably alot better. Indians would probably not be in the shape they're in, blacks would probably have assimilated into society just fine decades ago, welfare would be unknown and unnecessary. BUT....The feel good social engineers have had a field day for the last 50 or so years and the result has been a gigantic mess. A mess so bad that we may never be able to right the wrongs. SO in the meantime I will continue to fight against the tribes "super-citizen" status but I won't hold it against the law abiding individuals.

I hope to make contact with tribal leaders this year and atleast see if there is any hope of working together. Fishermen are tough nuts to crack when it comes to softening hatreds....I was at a meeting not long ago where one person said he would rather spit on the indians that work with them....To that another member of the group said something like this: Many of us would consider that to be a waste of spit........

So you can see with feelings like that we may have to wait along time for things to get better. In the mean time I may visit
Robbin from time to time and listen to his side of the story once more.
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