As state in the site I referenced “…the Muckleshoot Tribe and WDFW will conduct formal sockeye counts from June 12th through the end of July. Counts conducted during this standardized time period are the basis of the update model.” The counts are made from those dates annual so that it is done in a consistent manner. That period covers the majority of the lake entry time with an expansion for the remainder of the fish that enter the lake prior to or after that period. In a perfect world the counts would continue from the first to last fish however that would require additional cost with little gain in the accuracy of the runsize estimate.

I think that your source of information maybe confusing the difference between run entry timing and spawning timing. The fish entry the lake from late May/early June into August however the spawning is later with a few fish beginning entering the Cedar for spawning in late August on through much of December. Peak spawning activity would typically be in October. Those fish entering the Cedar for spawning would have been counted past the locks weeks to months earlier.

Again I encourage you and others to take the time to educate yourselves so that you can determine what makes sense and what doesn’t. In this electronic era access to information is easy and abundant – though not always correct.
Tight lines
S malma