Some interesting facts... BM spend 90 percent of their time feeding near the bottom- approximately 60 percent of their diet consists of Sand Lance which commonly travel along the bottom. Sand Lance also burrow in the sand to rest or avoid predation. Additionally, 90 percent of their travel time is spent near the bottom... So it only makes sense to target these ranges. However, there are times when you'll want to fish suspended. When the fish are on the bait suspended, you should consider fishing just below the bait ball. Some of the decision factors you'll want to be cognizant of are: Light, sea state, engine noise, etc.

I rarely fish suspended because once a bait ball is located and the time it takes to bring the gear up, I might have passed the bait! Plus, you'll never know just how big the ball is until you've passed it. So if I am fishing solo, I consider it a waste of time- unless I am marking a lot of fish. Then, I usually throw a boar cushion over the side to mark the ball and work the area until I've hooked up. Furthermore, if the area your are fishing is conducive (i.e. Manchester) to fishing suspended, give it a try.. Keep in mind the above factors. If there are two of you in the boat, it doesn't hurt to give one rod a go and fish the other along the bottom..

As far as setting the sonar, I bounce back and forth if I haven't located bait along the bottom settings..
"If you are not scratchin bottom, you ain't fishing deep enough!" -DR

Puget Sound Anglers, Gig Harbor Chapter