If we as fishers want to get what is best for the fish, (or maybe just our greedy selves), we need to become one of those big money groups.

There is a lot of talk about the big money in commerical fishing and all its clout, but we all know the sportsfishers generate much more economic acitvity than commercial fishing. Yet we have little political influence.

We as a group need to hire some lobbyists in DC that pounds this message into the heads of the politicians. The commercials have lobbyists, the tribes have lobyists.

Its time for all of us sportfishers to chip in and go buy some lobbyists so the politicans pay attention to us and our issues.

Unfortunately voting won't cut it, we need full time lobyists to look after our interests. That's the way the game is played.

The tricky part is getting a significant portion of sportfishers to agree and put forward a little bit of effort and money.
Dig Deep!