According to WDFW's harvest data, the tribal and sport harvests of wild Hoh river steelhead were about equal from 1991-2000, while in the past 3 years the tribes have been harvesting about twice as many as the sporties. The co-managers' Hoh River harvest plan for this season calls for a tribal allocation of 1395 wild fish, and a sport allocation of 668 ... and with their run-size prediction, that would allow an escapement of 2360 fish, which is 40 fish below the escapement goal. I guess that'd be a much better outcome than last year when the combined harvest exceeded escapement, and the escapement was 800 fish below the e-goal. Based on these numbers, it seems like the moratorium might be like cutting off your leg from the knee down because your leg hurts, not just a little toe.

I wonder, is there any other wild steelhead run on Earth that's now targeted for harvest rates as high as those now being used for the OP rivers (Hoh, Queets, Quinault and Quilllayute)?