I have owned the 16 foot Seachaser for 3 years, I guess the only do-over I would have is the 17 foot instead so I could get the skiptower top, more engine choices and an anchor locker. The 16 foot isn't quite enough boat for the weight of the new 4 strokes (I have the Suz DF70-30 knots tops), but the 'Rude ETEC 90 I think would be a fine combo on a 16 footer. The Seachaser doesn't have the cuddy, but it has a lot of fishing room for the length, as good as or better then a 20-21 ft WA. Until you get to the big ones, they aren't self bailing, if thats important to you. I like the license break at 16 foot, $13 a year. I like my Arima, and have met lots of guys who like theirs.