I think people just saw the president as more effective against terror and also wanted someone who is perceived as a firm leader. Kerry has alligned himself with the far left for most of his career and tried to convice everyone in the final days that he would be all things to all people. I'm gald the majority of people saw through that.

Health care? ok...Maybe the torte reform that Bush wants to initiate might be meaningful to lower health costs. Edwards made a good living from suing folks. But lets face it, as our population ages, we put a huge burden on health care anyway. It's gonna cost more...maybe we need a little governmental help to offset it.

Environment- I am definitely not a Bush supporter there.

I could go on...whatever, it's over and lets all remember that we're all americans and try to solve things together.
"I'm old and tough, dirty and rough" -Barnacle Bill the sailor