Originally posted by SCOWAK:
Originally posted by Theking:


If you layed off the Yoga

Maybe if John Lee Hookum keeps practicing yoga--he'll eventually get limber enough to be able to pull his own head out of his own a$$.......maybe

I am well advanced in my practice and plenty limber enough to not ever have my head stuck up my a$$, as you obviouly do. I would suggest that you get with the program and look into it for yourself. Your head definitly needs an uncorking. You will enjoy the fresh air so much better once you learn to breath after Yoga assists you, while also keeping your head free and out of your a$$. It is sure to help with your out of control, psyco anger and Chicken hawkish personna. If I were you and having a stuck head that being squeeze by your butt cheeks(an O that smell), I would be open to suggestions that could possibly help and I recommend YOGA.


Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein