Originally posted by Salmo g.:

When that regulation was adopted for the Skagit - way back in 1985 or 1986 - kickers hadn't shown up on the Skagit yet. Skagit boondoggers controlled their sleds by skillful use of the oars to set up their drift. Personally, I think it was cool to see skilled boat handling. Kinda' sad to see skill replaced small outboard motors.

So what is it exactly that makes the regulation stupid? Selective fishery regulations are just that - selective. It's for those anglers who don't mind foregoing bait, barbs, and fishing under power with a motor. Maybe it's not your thing.


Salmo g.
Salmo G,

I dont mind foregoing bait or single barbless, and I too have fished this time of year in the Skagit from my Driftboat and sled without power-but it makes as much sense and outlawing oars on boats to me--or saying you cannot use a trailer to haul your boat-makes as much sense as O'Doules or De-Caf Coffee. I think it encourages people to drag anchor. That I dont do. Its kind of a big river dont ya think?

People use to also skillfully seek fishing grounds out without the internet--guess them days are gone.