TK, that sounds like fun.......all but the alcohol and guns part NOT a good idea to mix the two, IMO.

And yeah...I've seen what can happen. Ain't worth the chance.

Nutria (aka "Poor Man's Mink") were first bought to the US to be used in place of mink ranches. They were easy to pen raise, prolific as he11, and were a nice pelt when properly raised.

But the anal rights activists (read PETA) got the fur industry hitting an all time low, so all the nutria ranchers in the south just dumped their stocks in the rivers, lakes and bayous.

Being rodents, they do what rodents everything in sight and have LOTS of babies. Nutria are mature to breed at 6 mos. old, so a female born now can have 2 litters before her first year of age...

If you see one of these things, be sure to identify it as a nutria (looks like giant muskrat..NO flat tail like a beaver) and then "terminate its life".............with extreme prejudice.
