Just a quick update. (I'm at work!)

I spoke with Eric yesterday and he said Josh has turned a corner. The Doctors know he is going to live, but they also know his recovery period is going to be long.

Josh has finally been able to converse coherently with his parents and visitors (one of which is famous or at least in the playoffs). His spirits are up and he was joking with some of his friends. He has had several surgeries and will probably need more but for now there is no timeline for those future surgeries. As far as I know there isn't even a timeline for when he can leave the hospital. He is still confined to a special bed that they use for spinal cord injuries.

I do want to personally thank everyone for their support both financially and spiritually. Our family is forever greatful!

I apologize I haven't been on email or replied to PM's, I will try to later today or tomorrow. I've needed to decompress after a really really long week...
