I'm having a really bad hook to land ratio.. As I mentioned in my "can't be pleased with modern line" thread.. I have broken a lot of fish off with 15.. Needless to say, with the higher water and such, since I switched to 25 lb on sunday morning (Hardly sporting but... =) I have hooked 10 fish and landed 6 of them, so my odds have gone up.. I can't even begin to tell you guys about my monster chrome I got today... oh buddy! Measured out to 16.5" WOW! The smallest mature steelhead I've landed to date.. All on 25# with double 1/0 gammies.. Swallowed it and was bleeding when I brought it up, so I felt the duty to bonk it (Tasted damn good tho!) Again, anyone that says oh you're fishing too big, Tell em to bug off =) He just inhaled both hooks, eggs, corky and all even with a prompt hookset!

I've been getting decent hooksets, but god, I've lost so many fish this year its pathetic... Reyns will account for that!

So easy, a cavegirl could do me

Team FTW