Thanks, Curt, Marsha and of course Salmo. \:\)

Here's how I see it. Debating the viability of broodstock production as a measure of aiding or sustaining wild steelhead stocks, while tribal harvest of half the HARVESTABLE wild fish continues to take place is a waste of time.

Fly and I came up with the SolFly idea as a means of embracing brotherhood among steelheaders. The mud on your boots as you slog into the hatchery hole in December, the blood on your rod handle after scoring some metal, and the smell of blooming cottonwood in March and April as you swing your presentation though a classic run in hopes of encountering a large native steelhead are but a few of the little things that define the passion that brings our fraternity together. The bickering among factions that has occured with regard to how event proceeds are spent flys in the face of our original intent.

One thing is clear. There will likely be peace in the middle east before there is resolve and unity among the fishing community where wild steelhead are concerned. Fly and I will contine to promote this event as a derby for as many years as the law allows. When and if derbies targeting wild fish become illegal, we'll turn it into the SolFly Party. The good people that have shown an interest in this event are not coming to catch the wining fish. They are coming to be among their people, laugh, have a good time, and if they are lucky, pay a streamside tribute to the icon of our sport---the wild steelhead.