Originally Posted By: chrome/22
Dude.... you look wet-geared to the max! I think I see that funky hat of yours poking out a bit too.....

Um, yeah. First off, the hat sprung a leak and needs to be retired, which is a crushing blow to my fish mojo. I will find it a wet grave. . .it served me well for many years. Second off, that pic is proof of two things. . .that the Optio WP works beautifully when under water, you can almost see I'm growing gills in that photo it's so wet. . .and many of the pix it takes come out randomly blurry (but you already knew that didn't you Parker!). Good luck to all y'all,

"Laugh if you want to, it really is kinda funny, cuz the world is a car and you're the crash test dummy"
All Hail, The Devil Makes Three